This morning I opened a can of Black Beans and added a little chopped onions and salt & pepper. About 10 minutes later I added 2 big handfuls of fresh spinach and I covered it and let it simmer for about 1/2 an hour. While I was waiting, I cooked up a cup of brown rice. Covered both and put in the fridge.

Then tonight, I just had to cook my Salmon. A splash of Lemon Olive Oil in the skillet and once hot, lay the fish in the pan, skin side down. Cooked it on medium for about 5 minutes and then gave it a big lemon squeeze and 2 thin tabs of butter on top into a 375 oven for 10 minutes.

Heated up the rice and beans and I swear, it was so good!! Never knew rice and beans go so well with salmon!