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Polenta and Grits

The great Polenta VS Grits debate....I am a grits freak. I also like Polenta. But hey, what's the difference between the two?

Polenta & Short Ribs in Sauce

Polenta is a staple of Italian cuisine. It is traditionally made from a class of corn called flint corn. Flint corn holds its texture better, resulting in a more course end product. Flint corn also tends to have a more yellow hue, resulting in a yellow polenta.

Grits are deeply ingrained in Southern American cooking. They're traditionally made from the corn that's most readily available in the United States, and although the specific variety varies a bit, as a category, grits are made from a class of corn called dent corn. Grits are also available using yellow corn. The yellow grits have a higher starch content and a more robust flavor.

While polenta is made from ground yellow corn, grits are made from white corn. Since both are made from dried corn, they can be swapped out for one another if push comes to shove.

You can add cheese to Polenta and you can add cheese to grits. You can eat them for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Eat them plain....or get nuts and experiment.

Blue Grits actually cook up purple. And try adding pureed squash to your grits and they come bright orange.

Best Grits in my opinion are Logan Turnpike Mill's


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