This is a little Spin-Off of the popular Tik-Tok Pasta recipe. It came pretty tasty and was very easy and I have been munching on it all week.
7 ounces of whole piece of Feta
1/2 Onion, chopped
4 Cloves Garlic
Pint of Cherry Tomatoes
Fresh Parsley
Crushed Red Pepper
Greek Honey
Box of Orzo
1/2 cup of Pasta Water
Cooked Spinach, as much as you want
Kalamata Olives
Put tomatoes in skillet and drizzle with olive oil and mix them all up. Lay down Feta in the center, scatter the onions and garlic and splash with about 2 Tablespoons of honey. Drizzle olive oil and lay down parsley.
Bake for 45 minutes on 375. Meanwhile, cook box of pasta in boiling water. Drain and reserve 1/2 cup of pasta water. Put Pasta in a big bowl. When skillet is done, add in the reserved 1/2 cup of the pasta water and stir.
Lay down the spinach and bake another 5 minutes. Toss the contents of skillet into the bowl of drained pasta. Chop up some olives and scatter on top of your bowl of pasta. I also add a little grated parmesan on top too. Enjoy!!