The New York City Fire Museum is located at 278 Spring Street in New York City.

According to the Daily News, in 1935 Engine Company No. 203 responded to a report of a structure fire at a three-story brick building at 161 Union Street. Upon their arrival, neighbors told the firemen that the building was empty, and everyone had made it out safely. Nip trusted his nose and ran into the burning basement and rescued two cats. Unfortunately, before Nip got there, a young boy died from the smoke.

The following year after the kitten rescue, Nip won four medals of honor for heroism from the following agencies:
New York Women’s League for Animals
Dog’s World International
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
New York Anti-Vivisection Society

When Nip the fire dog died in 1939 while playing in the street in front of the firehouse, the men of Engine No. 203 had his body stuffed and mounted. The fire dog is forever on display at the NYC Fire Museum.
